How can we help you?

What are we? A free guild hub with lots to offer your guild. Do you know anything about web design? If not we can help. Even if you do we have many things to offer your guild. Have you had your fill with limiting free sites & boards? We were to! Click on the guild links and boards to check us out. Visit our bbs here for more info and features.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

BBS Updates galore

It's been about a year since the guildsforever bbs was updated. The weekend kicked off with an update to the vbulletin system Friday night. Hopefully those that were online at the time the update occurred were not affected. The board will be undergoing updates to the many modifications and 3rd party apps. The board skins will also be updated so if there is any problems by Monday, February 9, let the boardadmin know. All bugs need to be fixed before next Friday, the 13th.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Domain Re-direct

The guildsforever domains have been re-directed here purely for news update convenience. The old site as pictured to below was hardly updated during 2008. The hope is that various members of guildsforever will volunteer to be authors for the site blog. Leave comments if you would be interested in being a author for this blog and are a member of marduke, united heroes brigade/united villains brigade, and/or the watchmen/huntsmen.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Why start now

Why start a blog about The Guildsforever Project? The old site wasn't being updated and was limited on visitor/member interaction. The goal is that the blog will a source of info about the parties involved in the project and be utilized by all as a medium to encourage the sharing of tales.

Why discuss a project that wasn't as successful as the founders hoped it would be? Maybe the hope is to reach the masses that didn't know about the project. Maybe it's simply a way to communicate about the effort that was made.

Why now? Thanks to chance and intervention from one of the project's founders the story-teller has been inspired.